Transforming Waste Management To An Endless Loop Of Circularity
Driven by purpose, we envision a world in which waste is treated as a valuable resource that can be converted to feedstock for virgin materials. We envision a world in which landfilling and incineration have been replaced with waste conversion processes that support circular economy sustainability. We envision a world where molecules derived from nature’s precious resources can be used and reused in an endless loop of circularity.
We follow science based solutions such as Regenerative Robust Gasification that offers opportunities to solve intractable recycling challenges posed by modern multi-layered, multi material products and packaging. The Consortium for Waste Circularity (CWC) is a 501C3 non-profit that supports the pursuit of robust and flexible waste conversion solutions through education, research and outreach. CWC seeks to align the Packaging Industry to pledge use of this eco-methanol™ as recycled content that will become plentiful.

Technology-Regenerative Gasification
Regenerative Gasification is a process that achieves higher temperatures than gasification, in excess of 2,000 °C. At such temperatures, organic chemical bonds are broken, and inorganic materials are melted down. Carbon rich organics are primarily converted into synthesis gas (“syngas”), comprised mostly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Metals and inorganic oxides (i.e. glass/metals) are melted down and recovered as ingots and glassy materials. All products become feedstocks for subsequent value-added commercial applications.
Syngas is a highly versatile chemical feedstock. There is nothing that can be made from fossil fuels that can’t be made from syngas. Ideally, syngas will be converted into feedstock chemicals such as methanol, ethanol, dimethyl ether, acetic acid, etc. to be used for subsequent synthesis by the chemical industry.
Plastics produced from syngas are “virgin plastics” with the same quality and properties of plastics produced from fossil fuels. Waste-syngas-methanol-products/plastics offers a true pathway to the circular economy sustainability.
The Challenge
Our waste crisis is continuing to grow, and today’s technologies alone are not sufficiently robust to capture most materials found in waste. Corrugate/paper is the most recycled material and according to the EPA, 32% is sent to landfill. Plastic is the least recycled material with 91% going to landfill. Landfills serving large cities are quickly reaching capacity, releasing greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere and risking polluting soil and ground water from leachate.
We can solve our waste problem through effective public policies, research, development and industry collaboration that allows us to realize the full potential of Regenerative Gasification recycling technology.
The mission of the Consortium is to transform the recycling infrastructure through the advancement of economically sustainable waste to syngas technologies.
The Consortium will accomplish its mission through:
- Support education of municipality leadership through land grant University outreach programs
- Advocating for robust conversion of waste to eco-methanol™
- Educating for public policies that drive demand for post consumer resin content
- Collaborate with stakeholders to further advanced recycling projects
- Educational opportunities on the benefits of Regenerative Gasification for all supply chain stakeholders
- Funding R&D for robust conversion of waste to value-added products that create circularity
Regenerative Robust Gasification Trial Results: difficult-to-recycle packaging materials
Building A sustainable future in printing & packaging: embrace a comprehensive approach
Circularity Of All Waste Is Packaging's Sustainable Future
Scientific Review - Methanol From Synthesis Gas
Gasification Promises Solution To Landfill Crisis
Earth Day – Supporting All Waste Becoming An Endless Loop of Circularity
Syngas: A Transformative Technology For Waste Circularity
A Circular Pathway For Packaging Waste
"Green Methanol" Is The Packaging Industry's Future!
Packaging Industry Must Claim Waste Derived Recycled Content Syngas
Sustainability Myths, Facts & Path To A Circular Economy
EPR Fact from Fiction - White Paper
Is plasma gasification the solution for plastics and all waste?
Syngas is the key to packaging sustainability
Plasma gasification closes the loop (on sustainability)
Plasma gasification can enable circular economy sustainability for packaging
Founding Members
This disruptive transformation of infrastructure requires the collaboration from Brands, Producers, Plastics industry, Packaging Printers, Supply Chain partners to take responsibility and ban together to solve this daunting problem. Together we can make a difference.
Industry leaders who came together to start the Consortium For Waste Circularity and drive this change include:
Our members are committed to share their expertise, fund and demonstrate projects and programs that will recover and create value from all waste.
Board Members

Michael Ferrari
Executive Director
Michael Ferrari is founder and President of Ferrari Innovation Solutions, LLC. Michael has built a worldwide reputation through shopper behavior research, speaking engagements and trade journal articles on the subject of business growth through packaging. Michael completed a successful career at the Procter & Gamble Company. His diverse work experience includes international assignments and his leadership has delivered initiatives to the marketplace for some of the world’s leading billion dollar brands. He served on the Board of Directors for the Flexographic Technical Association, and has been a keynote speaker for numerous international and University events with multiple trade journal publications.

Mike Ferrari

Rich St Coeur
Rich St Coeur is a 31-year veteran of the Pressure Sensitive Tape industry and is currently the R&D Director for New Technology Platform Development at Intertape Polymer Group (IPG), a global leader in packaging and protective solutions. His responsibilities include oversight of IPG’s process labs and leading the IPG R&D Engineering Team, Analytical Team, and Synthesis Teams. During his tenure at IPG Rich has been granted 9 US Patents in the areas of processing, formulation, and
tape structure.
In his role at as an R&D Director, Rich is challenged to support IPG’s sustainable product design and development vision, a goal that is aligned with the purpose of the Consortium for Waste Circularity.

Rich St Coeur

Evan Frisch is an Industry veteran with nearly 30 years of experience across a wide variety of major Food and Beverage CPG companies. He currently serves as Chief Operating Officer of TruRoots, a private equity company specializing in the Health and Wellness space, where he runs all daily operations.
He holds an M.B.A. with a Finance Concentration from Rutgers University - School of Management and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Rutgers University - College of Engineering.
Evan has a great passion for solving big problems, and in his view, there aren't many bigger challenges facing our society than addressing the growing concern of our precious natural resources.

Evan Frisch

Felipe Sixto
Felipe Sixto is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Sixto Packaging and the Managing Director of Sixto Global Capital, a private equity fund. Felipe has a Juris Doctrate from the Washington College of law at American Univesity in Washington, DC. He also has a Masters and a Bachelors from Florida International Univesrity in Miami. Felipe has written articles for several trade publications including, Flexible Packaging Magazine, The Economic Times, Flexo magazine, Coffee Time, among others. He is currently the President of the Southern Coffee Association with the 3 year term ending in October 2022. Before joining the family business, Felipe worked in Washington, DC in several capacities including Special Assistant to the President. During the Bush Administration. Felipe enjoys hunting and fishing with his family on his time off.
Sixto Packaging is a family owned and operated flexible packaging converter. Sixto’s capabilities include up to 10 color printing; solventless laminations of films, paper, and foil; shrink sleeves for bottles; in addition to manufacturing bags and pouches in many sizes and styles; packaging structure R&D and marketing ervices. Sixto Packaging has manufacturing plants in Miami, FL; Lima, Peru; and Mexico City, Mexico.

Felipe Sixto
Support CWC through advice on communications, network
connections & awareness of public policy
Dr. Ted Yoho, DVM has a strong background in the sciences having practiced veterinary medicine for 28 years (University of Florida, Class of 83’). Ted served as a Congressional representative for 8 years representing Florida’s 3rd Congressional District. During his congressional tenure, he served on the agriculture and foreign affairs committees and introduced and passed the BUILD Act which authorized the creation of the United States Development Finance Corporation (DFC). Ted is regarded as a leading opinion on the criticality of waste recovery of rare earth metals from discarded electronic devices as a matter of national security. In addition, Ted was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun from the country of Japan, the Order of the Polar Star from the Country of Mongolia and the highest award given out by the American Farm Bureau Federation - the Golden Plow. Ted has been married to his wife Carolyn for 46 years and they have three grown children.

Ted S. Yoho, DVM
Former Member of Congress
Please reach out! We’d love to hear from you
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